Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Which universe are we in?

I shall start with this simple statement: I believe only what I can experience through my five senses. I believe I need to eat food because if I do not I get weak, pains in my stomach, and a plethora of other symptoms tell me I need to ingest something to give my body the nutrients it needs to sustain itself and they go away when I do. I believe even though I haven't seen a million dollars with my own eyes that it can exist in a single place because I have handles many dollar bills of many denotations that there could enough gathered to have a million of them. I suppose you could call that belief through reasoning based on past experiences but it is relevant none the less. I believe metal is hard, wood is fiberous, and flesh is soft. I surmise that when things get out of the physical realm and dive into the pure speculation that the Five Senses Method is no longer viable. When we get into psuedo-science for example there are many many unknowns. The thing is, until something is proven and accepted as fact (for at least a score years or so) everything starts out fringe science. Cryptozology and Ufology are the two most well known forms of this fringe wing of the scientific studies. Granted, many people are very interested in these subjects, but they are reluctant to take them seriously without hard undeniable proof. Many people who do take it seriously are considered lunatics and if you are in the academic field, giving any weight to a idea regarding the fringe sciences is career suicide. Odd how the masses watch movies and television shows on the subjects, read many books on the subjects but the "learnt" among us consider it rediculous. Of course, that is a broad brush to be painting the Scientist wth, and it can be safely assumed they are not all of this school of thought. On the same note, it can be safely assumed everyone who shows interest in unidentified flying/submerged objects is a half-crazed lunatic. Applying the Scientific Method is the only viable option when trying to bring credit and recognition to the fringe sciences. You do have to remember that when the physical sciences were getting started they were considered fringe ideas at the time. Until proof has landed on the White House lawn or made big foot steps out of the woods mainstream science will not give on it's position on the psuedo sciences. But that's alright. I love the outer edges of science for the mysteries involved. If something were to be proven it would take away from them. That's the paradox those studies face. I, like many of my fellow humans, believe there is intelligent life out there in some form. How could there not be? All the billions of planets and moons out there and no smart life out there? Well, that'd be a terrible waste of space. I have to, HAVE to believe, there is more life out there. Then again perhaps it is a massive waste of space and we are the sole children of the universe. Then it would fall on our shoulders to fill the space with our species. Yes, spread life through the solar system, then our glaxay, and onward to the rest of the universe.

Now, I hope we do find calm peaceful intelligent life. Maybe not now but later after our species has evolved a bit more above the shoulders. Sadly if we happen upon a species similar to our own, we will be in trouble. Just as we happen upon each other, we preceeded to crush and kill each other... Well let's just hope they aren't like us.

The Fantastic G has spoken!

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