Sunday, October 24, 2010

Oh my God. Becky, look at her butt... it is so big!

I've never seen so many stretch marks in one place. Listen, I'm not usually judgemental. Hell, I got a bit of a stomach on me, but I do think that some self governing was lost there at the Ren Fest. There were many women three to four times my girth wearning 3 to 4 times LESS clothing than I was. The Ren Fest is no excuse to show everyone what you got. You don't have to flaunt it. I know 99.99% of the year you don't, but damn, don't go completely AWOL and wear a string bikini if you are 5' and 300lbs. Really. Did I take any images to prove this? No. Why would I? Just go any given weekend and you'll see these people about.

Is it shallow to say such things? Maybe. Do I care if it is? No.

So if you know someone going to a Renaissance Festival, please be the voice of reason to them!!

Friday, October 22, 2010

Frog vs. Bug

So this is one of those iPhone videos that was made while I was drunk. I was incredibly awed that nature in the raw form was happening in front of my drunken eyes. The bug literally stood no chance. Crazy huh?

Thursday, October 21, 2010

2006 Scion tC Turbo vs. 2005+ Mustang GT

What seems hard for me to figure out is why this video has so many views. I can only guess is because it involves a quick mustang. Certainly not because it has a boosted tC in it. Sure isn't because of my subpar driving. I don't know, but it's got more than 18,000 views. Crazy, I know.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

The Mantis Series

Recently I was fortunate enough to happen upon a mantis who had just skillfully caught a bumble bee.

The Mantis Victory Stance

(C)2010 Garret Laborde, All Rights Reserved.
Honestly, I think it was my best caputre that day.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Bottle Top: We're ****ed!

My Wife is eternally entertaining to me. Kase has an unnatural ability to entertain me to no end. Her personality, for some crazy reason, is exceptional. She has an incredibly short temper (which I believe comes from the Russian in her blood) which provides for endless chances for epic videos... I hope you enjoy: