Wednesday, December 30, 2009

The Current State of Publishing

From an outsiders prospective.

I consider myself an ameture writer. I have no formal training in the art of story writting beyond what a public education in English in Lousiana could provide. Although I took it upon myself to learn more than what was planned for us by reading far into the old ragged textbooks provided, I still think I am far from a graceful writer. I hardly like my own style of writing that developed naturally. I have to admit my wife can indeed write better than I can... when she knows the subject to write about. I suppose that is what seperates me from apart from her. Not that I am a better writer, but the mere fact that I can write. That I don't sit and stare at a blank screen or piece of paper. If there is a canvas I will create something with it. Either with pen or pencil, or simply building it into a paper glider. She is an terrific editor. I think that we would make a team unriveled in the literary world.

I have to say though, I would love to publish my stories. However, I would not be able to make a stable living at it. Just as musicians in modern times have to contend with technology, writers must walk a fine line. Because without embracing technology you will be left behind. Record Labels who have not converted into a Digital Label have felt steep declines in profit. While, Apple for instance, has done nothing but produce quarter after quarter of financially positive results. This is why I take my time writting.

Writers hardly make money. Fewer writers still make enough money to live off of. I do not plan to ever make money off my writtings. At least, not enough to give it significance. It is something I treat as an outlet for my creative forces to manipulate into art. I intend to keep that as it's main focus until I stop. Which won't be anytime soon.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

An Eternity Between Us

Rather, just a large void. Through my three years or so of traveling internationally I have noticed quite a few differences between our American culture and some others. I have to outline first that by culture I speak of the way a labelled group of peoples in a geographic area act. Rich or poor, wise or dumb, pretty or ugly, it does not matter some things do not change between the peoples. Perhaps it is that I do not notice my culture as much as I would have if I had never started traveling. It's true enough that we see our way as normal and are most comfortable there. Some of us adapt to other acts by other cultures mostly by ignoring it. I simply do not care what it is they do. For instance, homophobic persons would find the way average males from Indian, Bangladesh, Mayalsia, or Pakistan act towards each other if they are friends. They seem to have no concept of personal space or privacy. What you find is that friends, or so I am believe them to be, hug and hold hands. They are very physical in their interaction between each other. I have asked an Indian who spoke English well why is it so much physical interaction takes place between him and others. He said simply it is the way they are raised. I could not get clarification on this. The look on his face when I told him of the concept of personal space spoke of a totally alien concept. Obviously he had never heard of such a heretical idea. Why? I do not know. It seems as though it is a mostly American idea, and I suppose there it will stay. I suspect as well it has to do a lot with our family structure in the States. In many other places on the planet, like those I have spoke of, the extended family lives together or in very close proxcimity. I think would hamper any development of privacy or personal space because there simply would not be any. Someone always barging in when you are trying to get some private time would be very annoying if you had the idea in the first place.

It is still odd to me sometimes the way other peoples act. Especially those from third world countries. Now, I'm in form a vegan. On the other hand, I don't get on the back of a sheep, smile for a picture with it, then proceed to cut it's head off while it's still alive. And although I did not see thr event take place, I saw the pictures of said events. That just doesn't strike me as a good time. Apparetly some do find this as a form of entertainment.

There's a few other things like English. Plenty of us who have listened or talked to someone from the U.K., especially the first time, would have more than once been preplexed as to what in the bloody Hell they are saying. I know I have. More so when I speak with someone who speaks Jordan (sp?). Totally lost sums that up.

If you do not believe me, spend some time with people from other countries.

The Fantastic G has spoken!

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Happy Kawanhanakaristmas!!

So in multicultural Singapore they had a gathering on Orchard Rd. and it was alright I guess. Channel News Asia claims there was 60,000+ on a two mile stretch of road. It was crazy!

But, I have to say that even though it's interesting seeing Christmas celebrated in other parts of the world I would much rather be at home. Although Chinese Turkey is just dandy, it wasn't really what I wanted.

I have noticed that people who aren't Christian treat Christmas as just a reason to party. Drink and be merry. Emphasis on the drink part. The reason for the season doesn't matter. It really doesn't. It is just a party. Just like New Years will be. Shame.

The Fantastic G has spoken!

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Funny how things work out...

Science is a wonderous invention. It affects everyone. I mean nearly every single person on this planet. If you are reading this then you definately enjoy the fruits of Scienitific Research and Development. Of course everything we have today we owe to two inventions: the wheel and the ability to ignite fires. Of course, there is a dark side to science is that it has been used for killing. Killing man, animals, and nature. A shame Man puts so much time and effort into such wasteful things. Although I do enjoy my life style, I have to believe those smarter than myself can come up with ways to maintain this life style without killing Man nor Nature. Hopefully sooner than later as we only have one planet to live on and it is such a beautiful place from what I have seen of it.

You see, science is neither good nor bad. Like many things that have come and gone because of it, science is what the user makes it. A gun, for instance, used to kill a deer for food is good. A gun used to kill a man to take his car is bad. Then again, that might depend on your point of view.

Science is the study of things. Very large things, very small things, and unseen things. Finding answers to questions of all kinds. Questioning everything and accepting nothing at face value. Verification from mulitple sources. Of course, I have spoken before of Science's greatest contribution to Mankind: the Scientic Method. Because of this, we have many of the things we hold dear in modern life. Infact, it made this iPhone I am typing this blog on.

Thousands of years ago I highly doubt that the humans that discovered the ways to make fire from tender thought about what it would lead to in the distant future.

With that being said, I am glad that those people long ago discovered the wheel and fire. It allowed me to live the way I do today.

The Fantastic G has spoken!

Sex, Lies, and UFOs

I just wanted an attention grabbing headline.

Even the smartest among us will turn their head and stare at a car wreck. Weird how modern human nature will be caught by extremeism in any form. Sex is the most searched topic on the Internet. Be it pornography or information on sex. UFOs are the second most searched topic on the Internet. I stopped searching for information on both topics really. The problem that both subjects have is the amount of incorrect information out there. I don't think any rational person goes to a Public forum for a definative answer on either subject. The fact remains that whatever information you find on any subject has to be verified by an indepedant source. So I started out on someone schooled in the subject and has a certification (in the least) that says that they know what they are talking about. Fortunately, there are "experts" on the subject of fornication, but unfortunately there isn't on UFOs.

With UFOs and sex, lies are undeniabley going to be everywhere. Attention Whores are every place you look in the nookes and crannies of these subjects. Sad because it discredits the field as a whole. Thus, no one takes it seriously as a field of study. How could any rational mind believe that there are advanced races flying above our heads messing with us? Eh. The idea is tempting enough to get most people to listen, for at least a few more minutes... Just like a car wreck.

The Fantastic G has spoken!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Which universe are we in?

I shall start with this simple statement: I believe only what I can experience through my five senses. I believe I need to eat food because if I do not I get weak, pains in my stomach, and a plethora of other symptoms tell me I need to ingest something to give my body the nutrients it needs to sustain itself and they go away when I do. I believe even though I haven't seen a million dollars with my own eyes that it can exist in a single place because I have handles many dollar bills of many denotations that there could enough gathered to have a million of them. I suppose you could call that belief through reasoning based on past experiences but it is relevant none the less. I believe metal is hard, wood is fiberous, and flesh is soft. I surmise that when things get out of the physical realm and dive into the pure speculation that the Five Senses Method is no longer viable. When we get into psuedo-science for example there are many many unknowns. The thing is, until something is proven and accepted as fact (for at least a score years or so) everything starts out fringe science. Cryptozology and Ufology are the two most well known forms of this fringe wing of the scientific studies. Granted, many people are very interested in these subjects, but they are reluctant to take them seriously without hard undeniable proof. Many people who do take it seriously are considered lunatics and if you are in the academic field, giving any weight to a idea regarding the fringe sciences is career suicide. Odd how the masses watch movies and television shows on the subjects, read many books on the subjects but the "learnt" among us consider it rediculous. Of course, that is a broad brush to be painting the Scientist wth, and it can be safely assumed they are not all of this school of thought. On the same note, it can be safely assumed everyone who shows interest in unidentified flying/submerged objects is a half-crazed lunatic. Applying the Scientific Method is the only viable option when trying to bring credit and recognition to the fringe sciences. You do have to remember that when the physical sciences were getting started they were considered fringe ideas at the time. Until proof has landed on the White House lawn or made big foot steps out of the woods mainstream science will not give on it's position on the psuedo sciences. But that's alright. I love the outer edges of science for the mysteries involved. If something were to be proven it would take away from them. That's the paradox those studies face. I, like many of my fellow humans, believe there is intelligent life out there in some form. How could there not be? All the billions of planets and moons out there and no smart life out there? Well, that'd be a terrible waste of space. I have to, HAVE to believe, there is more life out there. Then again perhaps it is a massive waste of space and we are the sole children of the universe. Then it would fall on our shoulders to fill the space with our species. Yes, spread life through the solar system, then our glaxay, and onward to the rest of the universe.

Now, I hope we do find calm peaceful intelligent life. Maybe not now but later after our species has evolved a bit more above the shoulders. Sadly if we happen upon a species similar to our own, we will be in trouble. Just as we happen upon each other, we preceeded to crush and kill each other... Well let's just hope they aren't like us.

The Fantastic G has spoken!

Monday, December 21, 2009

A Second Thought

Funny how things always seem to work out. It is the reason I do not fret about anything. Things will work themselves out. For better or worse, it's going to happen. Why worry about it? I just don't understand why people spend so much time and energy worrying about the future events. Why not just take it as it comes? Live in the present. I don't worry about the future because worrying about the future is like trying to solve an algebra problem by chewing bubble gum* and you don't get far like that. I genuinely don't understand it, even though from time to time I will worry about the future. After the chemicals subside and I get a clearheadedness, I then question myself on why I was worrying in the first place. Almost everytime I worry about a factor that is completely out of my control. I see a pattern here...

The Fantastic G has spoken!

Weight and the Modern Man

Right. Recently I read an article about the evolution and modern Man. That our brains are shrinking and physically we are weaker than we use to be thousands of years ago. Firstly, you have to open to the idea of evolution. Once that is established, you must lend an ear to the idea of of rapid evolution. Whether you believe it or not, Science has witnessed evolution. We can, on a microscopic level, observe it happening to microorganisms. Now, before I continue, I have to say that I am not a certified Scientist in any field nor did I stay in a Holiday Inn last night, but I give the benefit of doubt that most people with an I.Q. above 100 will at least listen to an untried idea. That if you are interested enough you will do your own research into the subject. On that note, at this moment my location does not allow me to site other web sites with the information that would support my statements, but-then-again I expect you to take what I say with a grain of salt and solid skepticism.

Modern Man has no need for the amount of physical strength and endurance that our ancient ancestors possesed. That's the brunt of it. Since the advent of agriculture we no longer need to hunt-and-gather. I mean, its not like I need the same physical attributes to hunt down a loaf of bread in isle three at Wal-Mart than I would an antelope on the African savanah. I can say that for, at least, the last two to four thousand years we have had markets we could walk or ride to and precure food. So, many no longer needed to hunt or gather. Thus, we did not need the abilities to hunt a rabbit or whatnot because they were farmed.

The Fantastic G has spoken!

Sunday, December 20, 2009

A distant thought

Working the way I do on a shift schedule is a hard thing to do if you have emotional attachments to your home. When you have something to go back home to, being gone is much worse than if you didn't have a wife or kids or both. After a fashion, money just isn't enough incentive to stay out. I don't understand how the men and women in the Military do it. Six months or more away from home is unfathomable to me. Seems my limit varies from job to job. Now, working four weeks at a time is perfect. I don't feel like I've been away too long and it's long enough at home for me to recharge my batteries.

Honestly, as much as I want to work back home in the States I don't think I would like it anymore. I'd end up in a depression and complaining that im not spending enough time with my beautiful wife. Getting up everyday spending ten to twelve hours working seven days a week... Well that would just suck. Considering I have done that for two years already I think I've gotten my fill of it.

Besides, there are some very nice perks to my line of work. First and foremost is that it pays really well. It's paying for my house and cars. Paying for my hobbies and what my Wife wants.

Of course, video games being in my top three hobbies. Cars and photography being my other two. My job allows me to have these hobbies. Another perk of this job is the gross amount of time that it allows me home. Literally, slighty under half the year I spend at home. Much more time at home, believe it or not, at home than when I was working State-side. Funny how I have to find a damn good paying job that allows a lot of time at home working OUTSIDE of the United States of America. Wonderful country we have. I mean it. If it wasn't for American Ingenuity, I wouldn't have a job right now because the oil field wouldn't exist as we know it today.

I thought I was addicted to technology...

Right, I thought I was addicted to technology. No. Simply, no. I have been working now in southern Asia (Singapore) since early March 2009; four weeks here, four weeks back in the States. I know the people of Japan generally embrace technology with an enthusiasm that is unmatched with the other groups of people in the world. What I did not know is that it isn't the only Asian Nation that is like that. Singaporeans it seems are just as crazy about technology as the Japs are. I haven't traveled across the face of Japan's land yet, although I plan to before I die. I have only been through the Narita International Airport east of Tokyo. I have been at this airport at different times of the day and have seen it VERY quiet and VERY busy. Regardless of the time of day I have been there, I see at least 80% of the people with some kind of technologically advance device in the hand tied to their head or connected to ear buds (as no one in the day-in-age in Japan uses real headphones as they are clunky and cumbersome although they do provide superior sound quality over ear buds). In South Korea, it was much the same. Asians everywhere with a handheld digital machine used for some sort of entertainment or communication. Although there hasn't been many Asian Nations that I have visited, I have met people from most of them. From Indian to China, Mongolia to Japan, and Sumatra to the Filipino Islands technology is the common denominator. Even the poorest I have met in Singapore have a cellular phone. How they acquired it and who they talk to, I do not know. I do see that they all have one. Most have the cheapest models available. A few have procured nicer mobile phones through some means that I probably don't want to know about. Indian, Malay, Bangi, Thailanese, Bhutanese, and all the other "ese" peoples, each have a phone. Most Singaporeans that I have seen through my ever shifting eyes have nicer phones, i.e., iPhones 3GS, Blackberry Storm, etc. This I have noticed since that March I arrived many months ago. A recent development brought about by Christmas is that their fierce obsession with technology does not end by any means at the mobile phone. No. As I walked the streets on my way to Plaza Singapore (a six level building of pure shopping and movie watching)l I noticed another form of technology that was making its' presence known via bright flashes of electric light. Cameras. DSLR and Point-and-shoots were EVERYWHERE. Any direction you looked on Orchard Rd. from the Killiney Rd. intersection (except the way I came) you could see sudden illuminations that lasted less than a second that flashed about randomly. Singaporeans, like the Japanese and Koreans, love technology. Not surprising once you realize this that all the flashes make sense. Obviously we in the U.S. as a people do not come close to the technological infatuation that the Asians I have seen. I do not consider myself a technophile, but I suppose I could be. Actually, I am.